Cranbrook Town Markets
Cranbrook holds a number of Saturday markets throughout the year. They usually take place on 2nd Saturday of the month, from 10am to 2pm, in the Co-op Car Park in Cranbrook - on the left side of the main entrance - unless otherwise stated.
Wellbeing in the Weald has a stall at Cranbrook Town Market and sells it's ever popular fruit juices (apple and pear), made from locally sourced fruit, kindly provided by local orchard owners. We sometimes have other items to sell such as homemade jams, chutneys and pet treats.
There will also be leaflets and volunteers on hand to tell you about our activities and events, as well as information about volunteering for us. We look forward to seeing you at this event.
Do please drop by and say hello.
The Town Markets for 2023 have now finished for the year, except for the
special Christmas Market which will be held on Friday 8th December in
the Jockey Lane Car Park from 5pm to 8pm.
Dates for Town Markets in 2024 are TBA:
Other local events take place over the Summer and at Christmas.