Complaints Policy
At Wellbeing in the Weald, we value transparency, accountability, and strive to provide the best possible service to our beneficiaries and stakeholders.
We always encourage feedback, as this helps us improve our services and operations, but we recognise that there may be occasions when people wish to express concerns about our operations as a formal complaint. This policy outlines the procedure for raising and addressing such complaints in an effective and timely manner.
If your concerns relate to an actual or potential risk to a child, young person or any other person in need of care, please contact our safeguarding lead. Contact details and guidance are in our Safeguarding Policy (available here). If someone is in immediate danger call 999.
Wellbeing in the Weald (WITW) is committed to addressing complaints promptly, fairly, and with sensitivity.
1. Raising a Complaint
Anyone who wishes to make a complaint should do so as soon as possible. You can always raise your concerns with the leader of the relevant activity, who will pass your concerns to the Honorary Secretary or trustees as appropriate. Complaints can also be made verbally or in writing and addressed to the Honorary Secretary. You can write to the Honorary Secretary at our registered office or you can contact them via the details found on our website.
2. Initial Review by the Honorary Secretary
Upon receipt of a complaint, the Honorary Secretary will conduct an initial review to determine the nature and severity of the issue. Every effort will be made to resolve the matter at this stage. The Honorary Secretary will normally acknowledge receipt of the complaint within one week and will aim to provide a full response within two weeks.
3. Escalation to the Chair of Trustees
If the complainant is dissatisfied with the response from the Honorary Secretary, the complaint will be escalated to the Chair of Trustees.
The Chair of Trustees will conduct an impartial review of the complaint and will aim to provide a full response within three weeks. The response will include details of any actions taken or planned to address the concerns raised.
4. Complaints about the Honorary Secretary or Chair of Trustees
If the complaint is about the Honorary Secretary, it will be escalated directly to the Chair of Trustees. You can write to the Chair of Trustees at our registered office or you can contact them via the details found on our website.
Similarly, if the complaint is about the Chair of Trustees, the Honorary Secretary will ask another trustee to consider the matter.
The designated Trustee will conduct an impartial review and respond within three weeks. If the complaint involves both the Honorary Secretary and the Chair of Trustees, it will be escalated to an independent mediator or an external body for resolution.
5. Record-Keeping
A record of all complaints and their resolutions will be maintained by the Honorary Secretary on behalf of WITW to ensure accountability and continuous improvement. WITW will ensure that all personal information related to complaints is handled in accordance with data protection legislation.
6. Confidentiality
All complaints will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. Information related to the complaint will only be disclosed to those directly involved in the resolution process.
Where we take action as a result of a complaint, the fact of the complaint and its resolution will be reported to our Board of Trustees, who will consider the need to review any of our related policies and procedures.
7. Charity Commission
If you are not satisifed with how we respond to any concerns you may have about our trustees or how we are behaving as a charity, you are able to raise your concerns with the Charity Commission, the government body that regulates charities.
8. Review of the Complaints Policy
This policy will be reviewed regularly to ensure its effectiveness and relevance. Any necessary amendments will be made to enhance the complaint resolution process.