Health & Safety Policy
Health & Safety Policy Amended 15th April 2024
Agreed by Meeting of Trustees on 23rd April 2024
Date for next review - Q2 2025
Health and safety policy statement
This policy explains how Wellbeing in the Weald (WITW) will manage its health and safety responsibilities. Although, WITW currently does not employ any workers; it operates with volunteers and takes both their and visitors' health and safety seriously.
We will manage health and safety in the following ways:
Control the health and safety risks at locations where we arrange activities.
Involve volunteers in health and safety issues that affect them.
Make sure that, where volunteers work and any equipment they use, is safe.
Make sure that dangerous substances are stored and used safely.
Make sure volunteers, especially new volunteers, have relevant information and training on health and safety.
Making sure volunteers can fulfil their roles and are properly trained.
Try to prevent and stop accidents and related health problems.
Regularly check that activity location conditions are safe and healthy.
Regularly review this policy and make changes if necessary.
Responsibility for health and safety
Overall responsibility for health and safety belongs to the Board of Trustees.
Daily responsibility for managing this policy is given to the Honorary Secretary, with support from the administrators.
Team Leaders have specific responsibilities for health and safety for their activities, supported when needed by the Hon. Sec. Sue Ireland and Trustee Mark Lawrence:
1) H&S induction – all new Team Leaders should receive training and information about applying this policy.
Team Leaders are responsible for ensuring that other volunteers at their activities are given appropriate information about the requirements of this policy.
2) H&S risk assessment –risk assessments need to be recorded for each activity. Assessments must be reviewed every 12 months, or when there is a change to the activity or premises used. Copies to be given to administrators for record purposes.
Hon. Sec. and Team Leader should agree to any action needed to manage the risks that have been found.
Team Leader must carry out the agreed action points.
3) Emergency Evacuation –
In case of fire or other emergency, the activity premises may need to be evacuated. Team Leaders must familiarise themselves with evacuation routes and procedures and are responsible for providing appropriate briefing to all other participants.
Team Leaders are responsible for making sure that the fire risk assessment has been done and any action points are carried out. This should include escape routes and may include fire extinguishers, alarms.
4) First Aid – Leaders must have access to a suitably stocked first-aid box at each venue/ location.
Team Leaders should ensure volunteers know where the first aid box is kept for their activity.
5) Equipment - Before buying any equipment, the Team Leader must check that health and safety standards are met and whether the risk assessment needs updating.
People using any equipment for the first time must be supervised by the Team Leader.
Team Leaders must make sure that there is a maintenance procedure for any equipment being used.
Unless otherwise agreed with Hon. Sec., Team Leaders are responsible for making sure that all the necessary maintenance is done.
Any problems with work equipment or the workplace should be reported to the Hon. Sec.
6) Using and storing dangerous substances - Team leaders must check if any substances being used at work in connection with their activity need COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) assessment as part of the risk assessment (see above).
Hon. Sec. will do any COSHH assessments.
Team Leaders will make sure that any action points from the COSHH assessments are implemented.
Team Leaders will make sure all volunteers are told about COSHH assessments.
Team Leaders will check how to use new substances safely before they are bought.
COSHH assessments will be reviewed every 12 months or, when there is a change to the way substances are used.
Team Leaders are also responsible for:
- Co-operating with the Hon. Sec and administrators in relation to health and safety.
Using safety equipment when it is necessary.
Taking care of their own health and safety.
Training and induction
General health and safety induction training will be provided for all volunteers by Team Leaders.
Health and safety training for a particular activity will be provided by Team Leaders.
Activities that need special health and safety training are e.g. manual handling, food preparation.
Training and induction records are kept by the Hon. Sec. and administrators.
Any training that is needed will be arranged by either Team Leader, Hon Sec or Trustee.
Accidents and activity related health problems
The appointed person/first aider is the Team Leader for the activity.
All accidents and activity-related health problems should be reported to the Hon. Sec. (who will record them in the accident book) by the Team Leader.
The Hon. Sec./ Trustees are responsible for any required reporting of accidents and diseases to the Health and Safety Executive.
Checking work conditions are safe and healthy
To make sure that we are working safely and that this health and safety policy is being followed we will undertake checks.
The Hon Sec is responsible for investigating accidents and for acting on the results of the investigation to stop the same problem happening again. This may include reporting to the Trustees.